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Commitment to ingredients and packagings


Our ingredients are of natural origin, biodegradable. Without carcinogenic additives.

We recycle our packaging. To encourage the return of this packaging,a buyout offer is proposed on each box or can.

Package redemption offers are offered in the form of a reduction voucher, bank transfer if purchased by credit card, or cash payment if the purchase is made from a distributor.

Packaging is collected at “collection points”. You can identify the collection point closest to your location using the “Nature recycling” application.

All our packaging is recycled in the country of sale, or failing that, to the nearest recycling point.

Why use our gentle “cold wash” detergent?


Wash in cold water? How and why ! - Écohabitation (

Cold water to save energy

About 90% of the energy used to wash a load of laundry goes into heating the water, and simply switching from hot to lukewarm water can cut our energy use for washing laundry in half .


Does cold water remove stains?

Studies show that clothes washed in cold water can be as clean as those washed in warm or hot water. This result depends on the cold effectiveness of the detergent.

It is therefore possible to use our NatureWash “Cold Wash” detergent on very dirty laundry, adjusting the dose according to the instructions provided. For hand washing, simply soak for about 2 hours to get clean laundry. No need to wash twice.


Hot water or water cold for stains? 

In fact, not all stains react well to warmer water. Warmer temperatures sometimes set in. stains in the fabric, making them impossible to remove. This is where cold water comes in. It removes stains better, including grass, blood, sweat and makeup. Cold water also prevents stains from setting in and becoming permanent. Provided you use appropriate detergent. 

Regular detergents hot, can produce too much foam, leading to poor rinsing of the laundry. 

How do cold water laundry detergents work?

Laundry detergents designed for cold water washes are specially formulated with enzymes and surfactants
which perform exceptionally well at low temperatures, traditionally reaching 15°C / 60°F, or even 5°C / 40°F.  These enzymes break down stains to allow surfactants and functional ingredients to do their work.

The effectiveness of our detergent has been tested at 03°C. The beach Recommended washing temperature is 05°C minimum to 30°C maximum. Use water at room temperature

When should you wash clothes in cold water?

Dark colors, bright colors, and colors that tend to bleed are actually more suitable for washing in cold water. 
Delicate fabrics, like lace and silk, also prefer cooler, milder temperatures.
Cooler temperatures prevent clothes from fading, shrinking and transferring color to other clothes during washing

Finally, some  synthetic textiles (elastane, nylon, polyester, etc.) release more plastic microparticles when washing hot. Reducing the water temperature and the duration of the program limits this pollution: washing with a faster and colder cycle reduces the amount of microfibers released into the environment by up to 52% and the release of microfibers by up to 74%. dyes.

That's the conclusion of a team of academics from the University of Leeds, and specialists from an industrial manufacturer, who published a study in January 2020 on how washing clothes affects fading, color stains and microfiber detachment.

The lDoes NatureWash “Cold Wash” Gentle Laundry Detergent Kill Germs? ?

The majority of processs cold éremove dirt, stains and some bacteria without killing germs.

However, the gentle NatureWash "Cold Wash" detergent eliminates germs thanks to active ingredients of natural origin, playing the dual role of surfactant and antibacterial/antifungal. 

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